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SNAK NEWSLETTER December, 2019
[Research Committee News] Korea Towing Tank Conference

▪  2019 Fall Workshop  
The Korea Towing Tank Conference (KTTC) held the 2019 Fall Workshop at Hyundai Heavy Industries’ Human Resources Development Institute in Ulsan, on October 17 and 18. Around 40 members attended this year’s Fall Workshop, The opening address was delivered by the KTTC Chairperson Mun-Chan Kim (Pusan National University), followed by the presentation of 14 research papers on resistance and propulsion, seakeeping and maneuvering, and marine engineering. The workshop provided a meaningful occasion for members to exchange information and share technologies. The KTTC 2020 Spring Workshop will be held at the Korea Research Institute of Ships & Ocean Engineering (KRISO) in April 2020. 

<KTTC 2019 Fall Workshop Group Photo>


▪  KTTC Experimental Hydrodynamics Contest
The Korea Towing Tank Conference has organized the KTTC Experimental Hydrodynamics Contest every year since 2006 for undergraduate and graduate students in the field of ship and ocean engineering. This year, too, proposals submitted by April 26 were reviewed and 10 teams were selected. Summary reports were received until August 30, and presentations were made and evaluated at Pusan National University on September 16. An awards ceremony for the runners-up and other participating teams were held at the KTTC Fall Workshop. The grand prize was given as a presidential award at the SNAK General Meeting, and an exhibition booth was set up at the Fall Academic Conference displaying panels for the grand prize winner, two runners-up, and three other participating teams.