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SNAK NEWSLETTER December, 2019
[Research Committee News] Ship Hydrodynamics Research Committee

The 63rd Ship Hydrodynamics Research Committee Workshop was held at the Chungnam National University from September 5 to 6, 2019. During this workshop, there were intensive sessions on navigational performance of ships in waves, which is one of the top concerns in the field of ship hydrodynamics in recent times.

In the first intensive session, Dr. Young-Bum Lee of Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering presented a paper titled “Current Issues in the Research on the Navigational Efficiency of Ships in Waves”, providing an overview of recent issues and trends in the research being conducted in shipyards. This was followed by presentations of recent research findings on the analysis of added resistance in waves by Hyundai Heavy Industries, Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, and Samsung Heavy Industries. The second intensive session focused on research in the academia, and researchers from Pusan National University, Seoul National University, and Korea Research Institute of Ships & Ocean Engineering presented papers respectively on estimating the increase in horsepower of ships in waves, motion response and added resistance of ships, and wave drift forces and turning performance.
Including the seven papers presented in the regular sessions on the second day, a total of 14 papers were presented at this workshop. It was the most well-attended workshop in recent memory, attended by five student members and 46 regular members from related industries, universities, and research institutes. The workshop was also attended by professors emeriti such as Prof. Chang-Sup Lee, Prof. Seung-Joon Lee, and Sun-Hong Kwon, who actively participated in the discussion and showed their academic passion.
The research topics and schedule of the 63rd Ship Hydrodynamics Research Committee Winter Workshop  are as shown in the table below, and the 64th and the 65th Workshops will be held in April and August of next year, respectively. 

<63rd Ship Hydrodynamics Research Committee Workshop Presentation and Banquet>


<Commemorative Photo of Participants at the 63rd Ship Hydrodynamics Research Committee Workshop>