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[Research Committee News] Ship Hydrodynamics Research Committee

The 62nd Winter Workshop of the Ship Hydrodynamics Research Committee was held at the Research Institute of Marine Systems Engineering, Seoul National University, for two days on March 7 (Thu.) and 8 (Fri.), 2019. This workshop was the first official event to take place since Professor Yonghwan Kim of Seoul National University was appointed as the 16th Chairperson of the Ship Hydrodynamics Research Committee. Unlike previous workshops that consisted solely of research presentations and ensuing discussions, this workshop was significant in including special lectures by the recently retired Professor Seung-Joon Lee of Chungnam National University and Professor Sun-Hong Kwon of Pusan National University, and a special session introducing the hydrodynamics research trends of the Korea Research Institute of Ships & Ocean Engineering (KRISO) and the three major Korean shipbuilders.

Moreover, the abovementioned special session enabled participants to understand and discuss the research fields and directions that are being pursued with interest in worksite operations. The participants also discussed the attitudes they should adopt as researchers in R&D concerned with developing Korea’s shipbuilding and marine industry.

Participating in this workshop were 22 regular members working in the industry and academia or at research institutes, and nine student members. Eight papers were presented in the general sessions, and following the precedent of previous meetings, presentations and lively discussions took place without time constraints. The next workshop of the Ship Hydrodynamics Research Committee will be held September 5–6, 2019.

<Participants at the 62nd Winter Workshop of the Ship Hydrodynamics Research Committee>