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[Trends in the Shipbuilding Industry and R&BD] KRISO Leads Rotor Sail Technology, a New Sail Concept

Korea Research Institute of Ships & Ocean Engineering (KRISO) announced that it has developed a rotor sail technology based on a magnetic bearing for the first time in the world. 


A rotor sail refers to a cylindrical structure installed on the deck of a ship to act as a supporting propulsion device that allows the vessel to obtain additional propulsion force based on the Magnus effect, caused by the wind and the rotation of the cylinder while navigating.


KRISO explains that rotor sails can be readily installed on ships that are currently in operation. When implemented on ships, the shipbuilding and shipping sectors consider the technology will reduce fuel (6~8%) and carbon emissions. It continues to gain more attention as an alternative response to stricter regulations on the carbon emissions of ships. 


The magnetic bearing-based rotor sail developed by KRISO provides non-contact support of bearings and rotors, drastically reducing noise and vibration. With little friction or wear, it has advantages in terms of durability and easy maintenance.


KRISO also noted that since magnetic bearing rotors can be controlled more quickly than mechanical-based rotors, the technology is expected to be utilized on ships that navigate coastal waters, where the wind frequently changes its direction and speed.