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SNAK NEWSLETTER December, 2021
[Research Committee News] Korea Towing Tank Conference (KTTC)

1. Autumn Workshop of Korea Towing Tank Conference

The Korea Towing Tank Conference (KTTC) held the 2021 Autumn Workshop online on October 14 to abide by the social distancing measures because of the increasing COVID-19 cases.

This Autumn Workshop was participated in by fifty members based on the total number of viewers, and started with the opening remarks from President Lee Hyunho of KTTC (Hyundai Heavy Industries). The conference proceeded with eight presentations on the fields of resistance/propulsion, seaworthiness/navigation, and marine engineering, and the activity report on the 29th International Towing Tank Conference's (ITTC) Specialist Committee on Ice and the planning report for the 30th Committee, in particular, became a meaningful opportunity to share the technology and information between members. The last schedule proceeded with the awards ceremony for each two teams that were nominated for the excellence and participation prizes at the 2021 Experimental Hydrodynamic Contest, and the brief introduction of research results. The 2022 KTTC Spring Workshop is scheduled
to be held in April 2022 (the venue will be announced later).

2. Steering Committee Meeting ​

The 3rd KTTC Steering Committee 2021 following the Autumn Workshop approved two changes in the representation of the membership body (Prof. Choi Yoonrak, University of Ulsan, and Dr. Jeong Seongjae, National Institute of Fisheries Science) and admission of four individual members.

The 29th ITTC General Meeting made its technical subcommittees and the subcommissioners for the 30th ITTC General Meeting, thus KTTC followed to organize its 12 technical subcommittees and then appoint the 12 chairs of each subcommittee. In addition, it is currently concluded that, upon the plan discussed at the 2nd Steering Committee to encourage KTTC member organizations to register in ITTC, KTTC shares the replies from the two organizations who expressed their willingness to register in ITTC and then continues the discussion on the future encouragement plans. Lastly, KTTC planned to hold the Workshop for 2022 as an offline event, and then discussed the hosting organization, which will be determined during the next year’s 1st Steering Committee.