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[Research Committee News] Offshore Wind Energy Technology Research Committee

Development of approximately 14 GW of offshore wind power by 2030 and offshore wind power generation complexes is required to respond to the climate change and achieve the offshore wind power supply goal of the new government. Accordingly, the Offshore Wind Energy Technology Research Committee, under the Society of Naval Architects of Korea and Korean Wind Energy Industry Association (KWEIA), invited several experts and held the 20th–24th presentation sessions in 2020 and 2021 on the subject of “floating offshore wind power generation” at the University of Ulsan. 


The Offshore Wind Energy Technology Research Committee is a research group with expertise in floating offshore wind power and has been actively engaged in activities such as holding 24 presentation sessions since it was launched in 2012. For the implementation plan of the government’s “3020 Renewable Energy Policy,” the Offshore Wind Energy Technology Research Committee is increasing its capabilities through exchanges with various experts in floating offshore wind power and plans to take the lead in the development of offshore wind power.