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SNAK NEWSLETTER December, 2020
[Research Committee News] Korea Towing Tank Conference (KTTC)

2020 Autumn Workshop of the Korea Towing Tank Conference

The Korea Towing Tank Conference (KTTC) held the 2020 Autumn Workshop on October 23. Due to the spread of COVID-19, it was organized online. All the paper presentations were delivered using the software Zoom for virtual meetings but the award ceremony for the experimental hydrodynamic contest was held at the Global Engineering Education Center, building #38 of Seoul National University. Starting with the opening remarks from the president of KTTC, Moon-chan Kim (Pusan University), the workshop was composed of eleven research paper presentations related to added resistance during resistance/promotion, motion/control, and wave. This workshop provided the forum for the members to exchange technologies and information. The 2021 Autumn Workshop of KTTC is scheduled to be held in April 2021.

KTTC experimental hydrodynamic contest

The KTTC has hosted the experimental hydrodynamic contest every year from 2006 for undergraduate and post graduate students in the academic field of marine shipbuilding. Despite the restrictions from COVID-19, it selected a total of five teams after screening the proposals having been submitted by July 17. The summary report was received by September 25 and online evaluation was conducted on October 5 to choose and award teams. During the workshop, an award ceremony was held for excellence and encouragement prizes were distributed. The grand prize was awarded by the president during the regular general meeting of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea. The works of grand prize, two excellence prizes, and two encouragement prizes were exhibited on panels during the society’s autumn conference.